Lori Schottenstein Chabad Center is seeking motivated members of the community to make their mark. There are 6 areas of leadership that you can get involved with. When you sign up for membership, please consider signing up for a role in one of the leadership areas listed below.
Chabad Leadership Committees
Young Adult Leadership - Will include programming for children, social programs for adults.
Shabbat Services Leadership - Will include weekly aliyot, shul related matters, high holiday services.
Women's Club - Chesed programs, delivering meals to new mothers and their families, weekly kiddush, Young Ladies' Mitzvah Club.
Men's Club - Sunday morning Minyan, special projects to benefit the shul.
Chevra Kadisha - tending to the needs of recently departed.
Outreach and Membership Committee - reaching out to prospective members.
Please call Esther Kaltmann at 614-563-2261 for more info or to sign up for a committee.